Case Studies
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Disabled Wet Room Case Study | Halifax | West Yorkshire
Published: 29 June 2017
With personalisation and reassurance at the core of the project the finished adaptation was everything the couple could have hoped for and more besides.
Discussing everything on site More Ability proposed a suitable design that, not only took into consideration the couples personal preferences, but also worked specifically for the needs and requirements of the main user while equally lending itself perfectly for multi-use and occupancy if and when the time for such presented itself.
Accessible Wet Floor Shower Case Study | Wakefield | West Yorkshire
Published: 5 June 2017
Ms Gibson was an older lady who was concerned about her well-being and safety in her existing bathroom as a result of struggling with getting in and out of the bath.
What was an unsafe, small and awkwardly shaped bathroom was transformed into a stylish and easily accessible wet floor shower solution that catered for Ms Gibson's wants, needs and personal design preferences.
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